I don’t like using Roundup on weeds and stuff because I don’t like Monsanto. However, weeds and stuff I don’t want grow in great abundance up here in the Pacific NW.
My high school friend, Pam Dent Webb, posted a recipe for a do-it-yersef weed zapping formula which, I must say, works like a charm.
In a half gallon of apple cider vinegar, add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt and 1 tsp. of Dawn dish-washing liquid. Shake it up and pour what you need into a spray bottle.
Squirt it on the offending plants when the sun is shining. By the next morning, they will be saying good-bye.
This works only on plants, though. Squirting it on humans won’t make them go away (I tried); but they’ll be plenty pissed. JS