We are having a cold, drippy rain today. I just got back from my walk, so I know this to be true. Did 10/20 sec. blasts, and 8 side crunch sets (20 reps each time.) So, all in all, I didn’t do as much as I have been doing, but, you know the really good part? While I was on this walk, I fantasized about walking the Portland Marathon! Now, granted, it’s only in the fantasization stage, but, still. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I mean, my buddy CarolAnn walked the Portland Marathon with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, so why do I think that’s so out of reach for me? Of course, CarolAnn was in her early 50’s when she did that and I’m now in my late ’60’s, but I love it that this just popped up in my head as I was rolling along, counting to 40 over and over. So, we shall see how it all works out.
Stef and I are going to an art show this evening, which should be fun. Tomorrow, we will be heading to Eugene to see THE LION KING at the Hult Center. We thought we were going out to the horse ranch to talk to them about volunteering, but these were the only decent tickets we could get to the Hult Center, so, Eugene is the destination for tomorrow. Plus, there’s a women’s march of some sort going on in Eugene, so we can go and cheer for that before the show.
The thing about Eugene is that they LOVE a parade. They probably have a parade more than most cities you’ll ever find…like, there’s a whole bunch of people sitting around on a street corner and someone says, “Hey, it’s Tuesday. We’ve all got banjos – LET’S MARCH!” And, they do. It’ll be fun. JS