Tag Archives: extraordinary peeps

Cold, Drippy Walk Today


We are having a cold, drippy rain today. I just got back from my walk, so I know this to be true. Did 10/20 sec. blasts, and 8 side crunch sets (20 reps each time.) So, all in all, I didn’t do as much as I have been doing, but, you know the really good part? While I was on this walk, I fantasized about walking the Portland Marathon! Now, granted, it’s only in the fantasization stage, but, still. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I mean, my buddy CarolAnn walked the Portland Marathon with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, so why do I think that’s so out of reach for me? Of course, CarolAnn was in her early 50’s when she did that and I’m now in my late ’60’s, but I love it that this just popped up in my head as I was rolling along, counting to 40 over and over. So, we shall see how it all works out.

Stef and I are going to an art show this evening, which should be fun. Tomorrow, we will be heading to Eugene to see THE LION KING at the Hult Center. We thought we were going out to the horse ranch to talk to them about volunteering, but these were the only decent tickets we could get to the Hult Center, so, Eugene is the destination for tomorrow. Plus, there’s a women’s march of some sort going on in Eugene, so we can go and cheer for that before the show.

The thing about Eugene is that they LOVE a parade. They probably have a parade more than most cities you’ll ever find…like, there’s a whole bunch of people sitting around on a street corner and someone says, “Hey, it’s Tuesday. We’ve all got banjos – LET’S MARCH!” And, they do. It’ll be fun. JS


Honoring My Uncle, James Solomon


The remains of my uncle, James Solomon, who died as a 19 yr. old sailor on the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor, have finally been identified and returned home to Texas. He will be buried on Saturday with full military honors in Forestburg, Texas, so, I am flying to DFW tomorrow and will join my family in honoring him on that day.

Forestburg is a tiny farm and ranching town about 2 hrs. northwest of Dallas and I will get to see, not only my brother, his wife, my sister and several close family members, but also a number of cousins from near and far. I don’t think any of us really knew that James was not actually buried there in the cemetery by his mother – I sure didn’t – but I’m glad DNA technology was finally able to help resolve this and get him home. JS


Liberals are taking to battle on the 4th of July, 2018


Another 4th of July is upon us today, another day to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA! and be grateful that we live in a country where we even have the right to spout differences of opinion about anything. That’s not true in all countries. The trick to it all, then, is remembering that we are still one nation and one people, all of us wanting the best for each other, in the long run. Or, we should be. JS

According to right-wing blabbermouth Alex Jones, the left is planning a civil war today. I didn’t get the memo – just read it on Facebook which, I must say, is rather disappointing. I mean, if it’s a potluck, too, we could bring all of this artichoke dip and watermelon left over from yesterday, but we have guests here, so, I just don’t think we can make it. Still, we’d like to be supportive – can we send a check? JS

After reading a funny facebook post that started with, “In the Civil War today, we lost Commander Betty White…” by Joseph David Dacus, I came up with my own July 4th action post:

STEF (Major Neyhart) CAPTURED A FLAG! I begged her not to go, but it’s hard to call her down when she’s determined.

Through the haze of gun smoke, she raced alongside Lt. Toby to what she thought was the home of a Trump supporter, scaled the back fence and yanked that flag off the pole. Lt. Toby bravely kept their dog in check by peeing numerous times along the fence line and barking at nothing in particular. Although bombs and grenades were bursting all around, they made it back through the smokey, shrapnel-filled night, both of them with big grins on their faces like they’d just won the decathlon.

I could see them running through the smoke and watched in horror as Major Neyhart sustained a wound to the right shoulder. Luckily, her arm was already in a sling from recent shoulder surgery, and, true to form, she shrugged off her injury and asked me for a Band-Aid. Equally lucky, I had swiped some from Walgreen’s earlier in the day’s battle. Imagine our surprise when the flag she stole turned out to be a RAINBOW FLAG! Our street is way cooler than we even knew! Gen. Jodybob


Hurrah for beautiful people and good times


Big day yesterday and, as it turns out, loads of fun, too. Sam and I drove to Eugene to pick up Sarah and Ruthie, then we drove to Portland for a delightful rooftop wedding in the Pearl District of downtown Portland, of two young people who have been together for 14 years – since they were in high school. I had not seen Melissa since she was a teenager, nor had I ever met her fella, a sweet guy named Adam, and I kind of wondered if Melissa would even remember me. I was wrong about that. She was thrilled to see all of us and was so grateful we had driven so far for her wedding.

Melissa was raised by our two dear friends, Sharon and Robin, and co-parented by Sharon’s ex-husband, Bob. I’d say they all did a great job with this wonderful young woman. Introducing me to Adam, she said, “This is Jody, Stef’s longtime partner – oh, wait! – you’re a spouse now. You guys got married, right? ” I replied, “Yes, we did. We finally got included in WE, THE PEOPLE…, so we tied the knot.” Melissa said, “You know, lots of people couldn’t figure out why Adam and I waited so long to get married, but I didn’t want to get married until it was legal for my moms to get married, too. Unless everyone has the same rights as everyone else, really, it all feels like bullshit to me.” Wow. Like I said, they all did a great job with this girl. I get tears in my eyes now just thinking about it.

So, after a very sweet wedding and dinner, some sterling toasts to the newlyweds and some serious socializing, Stef, Sam and I drove the 3 hours back to Roseburg and arrived about 1:30am. Toby was beside himself, as you might imagine, even though I’d promised him we’d be coming right back. So, today might be a lazy day. I haven’t decided yet, although I am leaning seriously in that direction. JS


Prime rib roasting on Christmas, 2015


Prime rib is roasting now. Potatoes are loaded up for the 2nd baking of them later on. Sam is asleep. His giant dogs are outside. Stef is playing with her new Nikon. And I am feeling a need for a nap, although I doubt it will happen.

Christmas morning was loaded with wonderful gifts and laughter. We all are missing Stef’s Mum who so loved Christmas and would squeal with glee over each gift, like a young girl. “Holy Crow!” she would exclaim, delighted to have been thought of, and overwhelmed when the gift was EXACTLY what she needed, or had been hinting about for months. To have been such a tiny little old lady, hers was a huge presence. We miss her. I know she was with us, though. JS


Tires for Christmas


I got new tires and a gift certificate for new rear brakes for Christmas. We just went for a drive and it felt so smooth I almost dozed off. The new tires even made the old brakes sound better. This is a great gift, so much better than a necklace or something that might look good but wouldn’t keep me from sliding off the road and into a ditch on a rainy night. Thanks to Stef for knowing how to make me happy (and safe.) JS


Dogs chasing balls


I saw a video of a dog chasing a ball on the beach. He was all in. He was gonna get that sucker. He dove face first into the sand and came up triumphant… until he felt all that grit in his mouth. That was supposed to be the funny, important part of the video.

But for me, this reminds me of our boy, Riley, who would run so fast, he would actually run over and past the ball, then look over his shoulder and bark at the ball, like it was the ball’s fault. Used to crack me up – so funny. JS


It takes a village


First out-patient PT session this afternoon, so I’m very excited about this. I have been quite diligent about doing my exercises, icing my leg, and riding the passive/aggressive machine to break up scar tissue.However, I am bored with this already and anxious to kick this healing process up to a new level.

Stef Neyhart has been a remarkable caregiver and so, so kind to run errands for me, bring home dinner and set up appointments (not to mention, taking time off from her very stressful job to help me get things done, things I could not have gotten done without her help.) It takes a village and we are a village of two. Well, FOUR, if you count Toby and Bennie; FIVE, if you count Eldon, and we do. JS




A couple of people on my FB feed are now wondering, WHAT’S ELDON UP TO?

Well, he and Joanie were gone the other day so Eldon could play golf with their grandson, something he enjoys IMMENSELY.

Yesterday, he came over and brought us a late lunch, some pasta thing Joanie had made, which was so filling we didn’t have to bother with dinner.

He’s such a dear man. It’s always good to see him. JS
