Monthly Archives: February 2015

My suitcase just arrived


Suitcase just arrived. My stuff.

You know how crazy people often button their shirts up to the tippy-top so it doesn’t feel so much like they are about to fly apart? That’s sort of how I feel until all my stuff shows up in the same place. Now I feel better. I guess I can unbutton the top button on my shirt now. Phew.


Where’s my stuff ??!??


I am one of those people in the world who has an almost screaming need to know where my stuff is. Today, I am missing a big chunk of some of my most important stuff since it is in a suitcase somewhere (I hope) between here and Dallas.

I am also a MAKE IT HAPPEN kind of person so, of course, I am now presented with the challenge of missing my stuff and knowing there is nothing I can do to speed up its return to me. I must wait. And be patient. And be silent. And be grateful that I even have stuff to fret over.

Lessons, lessons galore for this impatient girl who was born two months early and fretting from the get-go. I hope I don’t crack a tooth over this. JS


Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks


Watched an HBO special this morning featuring Mel Brooks, that delightfully brilliant man. I see why Anne (Bancroft) fell in love with him. I remembered reading a quote from her one time that said, “People think we are an odd match, and maybe that’s true. All I know is how lucky I feel when I walk in the door and see this funny-looking little man who makes my heart turn a flip.” Sweet. JS


the brilliantly funny Lily Tomlin


Got to see the brilliantly funny Lily Tomlin last night, along with about 3,000 other folks in the gigantic ballroom at Seven Feathers Casino & Hotel in Canyonville, Oregon.

As a general rule, I don’t care for casinos, no matter how nice they are, and this is a really nice one. So, my being willing to walk through miles and miles of cigarette smoke, clanging machines, insane lights flashing, and the blank and lost look on the faces of people who’ve been sitting at those machines for hours gambling away their paychecks tells you how much I love Lily Tomlin.

She was wonderful, as always, allowing all of us to adore her and to laugh at her jokes, floating away on the memories of our lives her humor evokes in us. Saw lots of friends there, too. Great evening in southern Oregon. JS
