Monthly Archives: December 2015

Physical Therapy… ohhhh, I needed that


My PT worked me REALLY HARD yesterday and I was worried I’d be pretty sore this morning, but it’s not the case, which is a big relief. I’m thinking I might get back behind the wheel of my car today and cruise slowly around the neighborhood, maybe even go to the grocery store.

Being incapacitated and dependent upon other people is so boring to me that I can hardly stand it. I remember when I had my other knee replaced and had been unable to drive for about 3 weeks. One day, I was at home by myself and thought: I’M SICK OF THIS. Grabbed my cane, toddled out to the car, wedged myself in and drove to Blockbuster and to Safeway. Came home with 3 movies and some broccoli – which, I’m fairly certain, I didn’t even need – BUT, I felt like I’d just vaulted over the prison wall! It was so empowering!

Stef’s not so sure I’m ready to do this, but she might not get a vote. She’s shooting a wedding today and my adventure might happen while she is gone. Stay tuned. JS


The improper use of prescription drugs


For all the trouble you could get into for improper use of prescription drugs (I’m thinking fines, jail time, etc.,) it seems to me that prescription pain pills should really make you feel quite a bit better than they actually do. For all of the risks involved, the rewards seem rather limited.

I’m thinking they should make me feel REALLY good and what I feel is OH, OKAY, WELL, IT’S NOT HURTING AS BAD AS IT DID BEFORE. Beyond that, I feel the same. Doesn’t make a lot of sense. Maybe I’ve gotten the bottles mixed up or something and I’m taking the dog’s vitamins.

Weird. Just sayin’…JS


Now this is rain


We are used to the rain up here in the Pacific NW during the fall and winter months, but not THIS kind of rain, a down-pour so unrelenting it makes you get up in the night and stare out the window to see if you can spot one of the Four Horsemen galloping across the back yard. Wow.

Feels like a Dallas thunderstorm, without the thunder, lightning and the feeling that you are being shot at with some sort of assault weapon. It is intense. Rain is necessary, we know that, in order to bring on the kind of greenery we enjoy up here, but the rain has always been a sort of misting, like Mother Nature is sort of spitting on you for months at a time, so this is kind of scary. JS


Shower time – nice


Took my first shower today (that wasn’t a sit-on-the-edge-of-the-tub-and-pour-water-over-myself-from-a-cup kind of spit bath) since Nov. 19th. Oooooh, baby!

Wanted to make sure I could bend my leg enough to get in and out of the tub without help and without dragging the shower curtain rod out of the wall and suffocating myself in the bottom of the tub. I’m guessing it worked because here I sit, all clean and shined up, freshly-scrubbed and waiting for Life to give me some new instructions. Time to pay attention. JS


It takes a village


First out-patient PT session this afternoon, so I’m very excited about this. I have been quite diligent about doing my exercises, icing my leg, and riding the passive/aggressive machine to break up scar tissue.However, I am bored with this already and anxious to kick this healing process up to a new level.

Stef Neyhart has been a remarkable caregiver and so, so kind to run errands for me, bring home dinner and set up appointments (not to mention, taking time off from her very stressful job to help me get things done, things I could not have gotten done without her help.) It takes a village and we are a village of two. Well, FOUR, if you count Toby and Bennie; FIVE, if you count Eldon, and we do. JS
