Tag Archives: love_of_things

Jo Seay was born in 1922


Today, in 1922, my mother, Jo Seay, was born.

She left so long ago, in 1986 at age 64, it’s hard to think of her as 93, but that’s how old she would have been today.

I always get a little melancholy – not a hard thing for me to do – when this time of year rolls around, just thinking of her, since it was both the time of year in which she was born and the time of year in which she died.

My mother was so spectacular. She and I disagreed about almost everything – politics and religion being the big ones – but I loved her fiercely and was proud of her beauty and her brilliance, her wicked sense of humor, and her laugh that could (and did!) clear a movie theater (YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN.) Besides, no mother on our block could smack a baseball like my Mom.

So, Happy Birthday, Mother! I still miss you every day. Every. Single. Day. I’m not expecting that to change. JS


Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks


Watched an HBO special this morning featuring Mel Brooks, that delightfully brilliant man. I see why Anne (Bancroft) fell in love with him. I remembered reading a quote from her one time that said, “People think we are an odd match, and maybe that’s true. All I know is how lucky I feel when I walk in the door and see this funny-looking little man who makes my heart turn a flip.” Sweet. JS


Looking forward to seeing the ZOO CREW


Stef scanned and e-mailed a bunch of photos for me last night, all of them taken during my time @ KZEW-FM in Dallas, 1974-79.

Oh, my hair was so dark back then and my skin so smooth, my heart so open and unjaded! Brought back great memories of such wonderful people playing KILLER music all day long and actually doing some good in the world. I was lucky to have been part of that and to have been able to meet the people I did, hang out with them, even play softball with them.

Our team, as you might imagine, was the FLYING ZOOKEENIES and we played anybody who challenged us, even some 8th grade girls one time, and even Toys By Roy (who almost beat us in a “squeaker”) on a hot & humid Dallas summer’s day.

I am so very much looking forward to seeing the ZOO CREW at our reunion in April and am grateful to Ira “Eye” Lipson and Bill Harrison for bringing it all together.

If we’d had a team yell (like BOOYAH! or even HOOK ‘EM HORNS!) I’d shout it out right now, but we didn’t, I don’t think, beyond PARTY! or ROCK AND ROLL! or LOOK OUT, YOU IDIOT! Or, if we did, I don’t remember it. What I do remember is how I loved them all. JS


Terrible SLAP YO MAMA influenza strain


Stef is really sick today. This may be the worst day yet. It’s hard to wait out the flu, but there seems to be no alternative. Cough meds make her puke. Theraflu almost made her jump out the window. Hacking and snorting sounds compete with the sounds of Saturday morning TV. Each room is a flurry of tissues, a littered battlefield of teacups, medicine jars, vitamin bottles, ripped open packets of flu symptom deterrent, and half-eaten pieces of toast. The miasma of illness hangs in the air like a wet diaper, heavy and boggy.

I am not sick and, yet, I feel droopy because of it. I have washed and rewashed my hands until they are red and raw little nubs; I don’t want to catch this flu, but there seems nothing else to do except, perhaps, swirl myself into a giant wad of Saran Wrap and hope for the best.

We both got a flu shot this year, just like every year, but, apparently, the CDC dropped the ball about which of the influenza bugs would be the most virulent. This one, the SLAP YO MAMA influenza strain, made it in under the radar and, so here we are, muddling through it. There is no escape from this, it seems. I could drive away in the car, but where would I go? And, what if she needed my help in the meantime? Patience and compassion, in greater depths than I usually have at any one moment, are called for at this time. I hope we don’t get QUARANTINED. I might go insane. JS
